Lisa Haney Illustration
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Science Illustrations
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Book Illustrations
The 7 Deadly Sins Book
Even Deadlier Book
(See Full Page Layout)
Welcome to your Brain: Drugs and Alcohol
Welcome to your Brain: Anxiety
Welcome to your Brain: Biological Clocks
Welcome To Your Brain: Neurons
Welcome to your Brain: Taste
Welcome To Your Brain Book
Welcome to your Brain: Cover Illustration (I was very interested to provide illustrations for this book! I love pop sci books, and I had met Dr. Wang through a mutual friend when I lived in New York City. There were thirty internal illustrations in total, and this little spot illustration for the cover... a lot of work! I hope you enjoy taking a look at some of these (my favorites), and are intrigued about the book (which was released in March of 2008)...  This cover took a little finagling: the scientist-authors didn't want their peers to mock them out, so the things in the brain had to fit EXACTLY into the areas of the brain that would regulate them. It took a little fussing over, but I think it all worked out. No angry letters from neurobiologists so far... (